Should you write a "Thank You" note to your massage therapist ? Yes!From the perspective of a massage therapist, and I can only really speak for my self, there are few things that warm my heart more than a handwritten thank you note from a client. If you’ve recently had a wonderful massage experience and want to leave or send a thank you note to your therapist, please do! I can still remember one of my very first clients many years back. When I can back into the room, I saw a very simple yet very lovely handwritten note had been left on my table. It meant so much that I still have it. Moving a client is itself very rewarding, and the testimonials I receive by email or on sites mean more in terms of job fulfillment than money. I need money to live, but money in and of itself contributes almost nothing to how you feel about how you spend your days. It can be hard to know what to say and you may worry how it may come off, but as long as you are sincere and appreciative it will most likely be very well received. If you are really uncertain what to say, I will make it simple. Two words- Thank you ! As a culture we have almost moved completely away from handwritten notes, postal letters and anything personalized. But a note not only shows how much you appreciated the experience but that you took the time even just a moment to do it. It is likely to put a big smile on the face of your therapist which in turn will cause someone they encounter to smile. There is an expression "most smiles are created by another smile" and this is true. Some suggestions on what to write: Why you’re thanking them – What was it exactly that made you want to write a note? Did they help fix a particular issue, resolve some pain, was it a life-changing experience? How did the massage make you feel – I think it’s important to mention how their massage made you feel. This is great feedback and for me the most important. I generally don't work with pain as much as I do feelings and state of mind. Let them know you will be back - or refer a friend This is the most impactful way to also show your appreciation, by re-scheduling and or referring a friend. When you write your note consider a short ending by letting them know you will be back. And again, if you are really uncertain what to say, I will make it simple. Two words- Thank you ! Try it, it may make you feel just as good writing it as the person reading it ! Aloha Have you ever written a Thank You note of this type? If so please fell free to comment with your story and or suggestions.
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A Really Good Massage BlogAbout MeI write about things that I myself need to be mindful of. ways in which I would like to improve. It is not from the perspective of preaching - but rather writing helps me work out what I myself need to do - we are all in this together.
February 2024