Ke Ala Hoku – Pathway to the Stars
If you're new to whole body healing, I would like to invite you to consider experiencing this journey for yourself. All styles of Lomi massage integrate some form of movement, chant (mele), prayers (pule) as well as the core intention of aloha. Aloha is one of the most misunderstood words. Most people consider it or use it as a greeting, like hello. However, Aloha like many Hawaiian words can have multiple and deeper meanings. It can be used as a greeting but is also a word of love. Not in the sense of romantic love. But in the sense of happiness, contentment, acceptance. ALOHA — to love is to be happy with Love is such a powerful state of consciousness. When love is experienced, it is a feeling that requires something to be happy about. It can be a physical manifestation of energy such as a person, tree, etc. or it may be completely subtle and nonphysical such as the love for existence. This requirement of having something else be a part of the love equation, demonstrates the interconnectedness with all that is. Love is fundamental to the healing process; acceptance is fundamental to the healing process. To accept; to be happy with; to embrace; to create harmony – is aloha. You don’t need to agree with someone on a personality level, however offering acceptance for who they are and for yourself in relation to them will create harmony and allow for the natural flow of healing energy and love. Working with intention, the giver uses intuition and breath work to connect the mind, body and spirit during this massage. The form is fluid and rhythmic, using deep and gentle flowing strokes with the forearms, connecting the giver and receiver in a beautiful “dance.” These patterns create an immense outpouring of energy, lulling the receiver into a deep meditative state of bliss. The focus is on quieting the mind of its chatter, letting go and allowing your deepest Self to receive unconditionally. Each journey is unique, each transformation is nurturing and enlightening when you remain open to receiving. Some clients experience a complete sensation of "nothingness". This is great! For others it is a powerful release of pent up emotions – this is also normal and beautiful. Modern life is stressful, and the demands placed upon people build up, and over time become toxic. For many, they describe it as a wave that carries them away. If you reach this deep restorative state, it is wonderful - this is what Kahu Abraham Kawai'i and indeed other Hawaiians refer to as Ke Ala Hoku, or "Pathway to the Stars". To be able to allow yourself to attain that deep state of tranquil meditation and receive healing from head to toe is a not a common theme within our culture and modern living. Here's what others have said about this beautiful work: "I wish you could teach classes in my area. This work is just amazing and absolutely worth the drive." "What ever you've learned here is truly a sacred thing. I am honored to be on your table each and every time." "If I had to use one word to describe the experience it would be; magical, thank you” Are you ready for your own journey of Ke Ala Hoku ? Aloha
A Really Good Massage BlogAbout MeI write about things that I myself need to be mindful of. ways in which I would like to improve. It is not from the perspective of preaching - but rather writing helps me work out what I myself need to do - we are all in this together.
October 2024